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  • Location: United States


Approaching Life with Bold Enthusiasm: more than just a tagline for my blog, it was an entreaty to myself to get out there and do anything and everything. Create more, travel more, live more. Within the confines of life, work and family, I've been doing my best to meet those goals. With this blog, I get to share my adventures with you, and hopefully inspire you to take a few more chances, too. Along the way, I'll share with you a few tidbits about living life in Alaska, raising a teenage daughter, and whatever else crosses my mind. I hope you'll join in on the conversation. I could use whatever inspiration I can get, too.


I love trying new things and have played with fiber arts, quilting, fused glass, stained glass, lampworking, and a variety of other art forms. I'm also a budding adult athlete (after a childhood of inactivity) and indulge in bicycling, triathlon, hiking, skiing, and occaisonal attempts at running. I also enjoy reading nearly anything and writing about my experiences (hence this blog).