I really meant to find a few minutes to connect to the internet and post this during the past week, but I couldn't seem to get away from my baiting station.
It was time for my annual trip longlining with Thane. A couple of years ago, I gave you Longlining 101, so I'm not going to bore you with another lecture on what longlining is. Nothing's changed in the basic mechanics of the fishery. The only difference this year was that Thane got all of the halibut we were allotted on his first trip out (last week), so this week we were just after black cod (aka sablefish). Here he is modelling with a couple of the bigger ones we caught.
Most of the ones we caught this year were lunkers, but there weren't many of them. I doubt we filled his quota let alone mine. Ah well, so go the cycles of wild fisheries.
Rowan had a couple of her soulmates come up on the line, too. She posed for a family photo before releasing this salmon shark back to prey again.
And just because she told me her mom sometimes reads my blog, here's a photo of Dede hard at work. (Really, Dede's Mom, she does work hard.)
Until next year. I hope to actually make it out on a seine trip for a change this summer, but I'll get to be a tourist, not a crew member. If I do, I'll let you know.