Women's Adventure Magazine was kind enough to post another of my book reviews today. I hope you'll hop over to their site to see what I had to say about Stop Drifting, Start Rowing by Roz Savage. Here's a little teaser from my review of this very good book.
Roz Savage sat down at her dining-room table in London one day and wrote her own obituary. Actually, she wrote two – the one she wanted and the one she’d end up with if she didn’t change her life. Afterwards, she realized “[t]hey were very different, and I saw that I was moving in completely the wrong direction if I was going to be able to look back and be proud of my time on Earth. I realized then that I needed to make a major course correction if I was ever to find happiness and meaning in my life.”
The changes Ms. Savage made in her life were nothing short of astonishing, and while we may not all be interested in jumping ship and starting a new life, I suspect we can all learn a few lessons from her adventure. I hope you enjoy both my review and this terrific book.