Yesterday was a fabulous day.
To begin with, I went for my first bike ride since I sprained my knees two weeks ago. I had to take it easy, but it was still a marvelous ride in the sunshine. I was bluntly reminded that it's not really quite spring yet, however, when I rode into the shadow of the mountain to the south of Port Valdez. Brrr!
The photos below may be uninspiring, but hidden in that cheap wood and good cardboard is a treasure trove. First, I used my middle school art project as an excuse to finally get the big kiln I've been wanting. It's buried there in that ugly crate. Now, instead of only being able to fuse something no bigger than 7.5" x 11.5", I can work big - up to 20" x 40"! It'll be handy for firing lots of glass fish at a time, too.
In this stack of boxes is all the glass for the fish - over 25 colors of sheet glass, frit, and stringer! I have to rearrange the studio a bit to make room for the new kiln, so I have to wait to unpack these boxes, but trust me, it'll be a rainbow the likes of which has never been seen in nature.
I'll be sure to share more photos as unpacking and creating progresses. For now, though, I just wanted to share my excitement.