As you may remember, a few days ago I wrote a post in which I briefly discussed a book my internet acquaintance Andi Cumbo wrote and is looking to publish. However, You Will Not be Forgotten, is not all she's been up to. Andi also bought a small farm in Virginia, and is laboring to bring to fruition her dream of making the farm an inspirational retreat for artists of all sorts.
Andi's been working on another writing project, too, one very close to her heart. She says, "God's Whisper Manifesto: The Makings of a Dream lays out my vision for my farm as a place of love, conservation, art, comfort, retreat and my desire that this place serve those of us most in need in the world."
This week, God's Whisper Manifesto by Andrea Cumbo is making its debut. Andi is generously giving an electronic copy to all who subscribe to her blog between now an the end of 2012. In addition, the e-book is available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble if you'd like to buy a copy for yourself or as a gift.
Andi's Amazon book description says:
God's Whisper Manifesto describes the 10 principles that make up the ideal community that I'd like to form here on this small farm in the mountains of central Virginia. Here, we will love people first, honor the natural world and our place in it, seek to help those in need, and treasure art.
So often we simply succumb to what society says is valuable - efficiency, money, activity, busyness - but in this book, I posit a different ideal - one where we savor moments and dreams, one where we put aside the dream of financial wealth to live into the dream of our inmost selves.
This book shares my dream, and my dream is not the same as anyone else's . . . but I hope these few pages will inspire you to dream and then live your own deepest desires.
I'm looking forward to reading my copy of God's Whisper Manifesto, and I hope you'll read it, too. Knowing Andi, it'll will inspire us all to be better people.