I've been developing the habit of writing down quotes that catch my attention, partly because I want to remember them, but also because they often inspire me to write. As a result, you are likely to be subject to those quotes and my related random thoughts here in my blog. You do, of course, always have the option of not reading, but I hope you don't feel the need to exercise that option often.
"Adventures don't come calling like unexpected cousins calling from out of town. You have to go looking for them." I was unable to find the source of this statement, but it was clearly someone who knew what they were talking about.
As I was writing the above paragraph, the quote made me think of another common axiom: good things come to those who wait. This phrase extols the virtue of patience, a virtue many of us need to practice more. I question, however, whether we should always adopt the attitude of waiting for the good things we want. Would we not be better served to go out and seek those things, to work hard to attain them?
There are many things I want. Oh, not physical things; for the most part I have as much "stuff" as I could possibly want or need. Nor am I speaking of those unattainable ideals such as world peace, the end of poverty and hunger, global environmental stability, and so on. Certainly those are things I want, but I can't really do much about them.
There are things I want that are within my ability to obtain, however: adventure, creative fulfillment, and self-expression, just to name a few. I deliberately leave out the lofty goal of happiness. I am beginning to think that it is unreasonable to expect to always be happy, but that what is more important is to seek to be content with myself and where I am at in my life. That topic, however, is worthy of its own blog post, and is not the point of this one.
C0nsider what you really want to attain in your life right now. What would you currently like to have in your life to make you feel more fulfilled? Write down a short list. Now, what actions could you take to achieve those things? Think of baby steps. If you have lofty goals, you can't reasonably expect to acheive them in one giant leap. What are the little things you can do that would lead your life in the right direction, on the path to fulfillment?
I want more adventure in my life. I dream of epic journeys by bike or on foot that would take months to accomplish and would challenge me physically and mentally. I took a first step by signing up for a bike tour in Bhutan in April. While I find traveling to Asia adventurous, a fully supported, guided tour doesn't quite peg my adventure meter. The three days I've planned to explore Bangkok solo gets much closer. Truthfully, the prospect of those few days scares me spitless, but I know I will be stronger and more confident afterwards.
What might my next step toward adventure be? I'm not entirely sure yet. I mentioned to Thane a few weeks ago that I can't reasonably leave him and Rowan for two months to cycle down the Pacific coast or go on some other long trip. His response, "Why not?" "Really?" "Really." Wow, it looks like I'm going to have to start planning my first grand adventure. Now, what will it be - cycling the Pacific coast, hiking the Camino de Santiago de Compostela in Spain, cycling the Blue Ridge Parkway...?
So, what were your answers to my questions above? What goal are you going to work toward and what steps will you take to reach it? What can I do to help you?